Back in the mists of time, in the previous century, I bought a computer, an Amiga A4000/030
I brought it home the day that news of Kurt Cobain’s death hit the news, April 1994. It was an upgrade from my A500.
I used it for many things, lots of computer graphics stuff, lots of video. It got a new processor, it got an animation recorder card, it got several hard disks.
Then it died. The power supply wasn’t particularly strong to start with and I’d been pushing it a bit past where I should have. There was bitter, acrid smoke, and all the breakers in the house tripped. Catastrophic failure.
A PC AT style power supply was quickly pressed into service. The motherboard plugs cut off and an amiga 6 pin molex grafted on.
So “Dogfood” was born – christened when a friend remarked that all the giblets were hanging out, just like dogfood.
Ideally, I would have done a better job of PSU replacement. The top of the case didn’t fit any longer, so Dogfood spent a few years sat on a set of drawers underneath a worktop, facing backwards with all the ports showing, working hard but not as cherished as it should have been.
So let’s do something about that now.
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